College field hockey team on field

Benefits of Being a Student Athlete at University

Discover the advantages of being a university athlete in the USA and how these benefits will be invaluable for your future!

Tim from the Keystone Sports Nordics team lists the benefits of being a student-athlete at university and how this experience will be an unmatched asset in the future.

Studying abroad with a sports scholarship is a continuous adventure. You get to meet other student-athletes from around the world, experience American university life, and advance in your sport. However, the journey doesn’t end after graduation! Tim Bernhardsson from the Keystone Sports Nordics team lists the benefits of being a student-athlete at university and how this experience will be an unmatched asset in the future.

What are the Benefits of Being a Student Athlete?

Being a student-athlete in the USA brings a wealth of experiences and opportunities for growth in all aspects of life. You can steer your athletic, academic, and professional career in the direction of your aspirations. As a university athlete, you have a full-time staff dedicated to your development, including educated coaches, athletic trainers, and counsellors. Additionally, professors, tutors, and academic advisors help you achieve the best possible grades and education in your chosen field. These resources, among many other aspects, provide significant advantages in your post-university life.

I realised that these resources and support systems are unparalleled elsewhere in the world. They were instrumental in guiding me through my decisions and career development after being a student-athlete.

1: The Experience of Combining Sports and Studying in America

Combining your sport with education in the USA offers more than just the chance to achieve your athletic goals and earn a bachelor’s degree. You learn to take responsibility for yourself and your team, develop your time management skills, and build a unique CV that sets you apart. Additionally, you meet people from diverse cultures and countries, creating an international network.

2: Learn How to Manage Your Time as a University Athlete

One crucial skill you will need to develop is time management. Being a student-athlete at university requires you to balance your schoolwork with practices, games, away trips, and other athletic commitments. Therefore, you must be able to plan and prepare effectively.

Creating a weekly schedule to stay on top of your schoolwork is essential for success. This skill is valuable for your future, whether in a job, a professional team, or everyday life. Consistently working on your time management will not only make your university years easier but also prepare you for life after university in any industry.

3: Build a Unique Student-Athlete CV

One crucial skill you will need to develop is time management. Being a student-athlete at university requires you to balance your schoolwork with practices, games, away trips, and other athletic commitments. Therefore, you must be able to plan and prepare effectively.

Creating a weekly schedule to stay on top of your schoolwork is essential for success. This skill is valuable for your future, whether in a job, a professional team, or everyday life. Consistently working on your time management will not only make your university years easier but also prepare you for life after university in any industry.

4: Creating Connections All Over the World

Students come to the US from all around the globe to attend university and combine their sports with education. I have personally lived and played with people from countries like Australia, Argentina, Mexico, France, Spain, and Italy. One of the benefits of being a student-athlete at university is meeting people from diverse backgrounds and expanding your network. This broadens your perspective on life and different cultures and enhances your global networking opportunities. I remain in contact with my friends and teammates from university, whether they are from the US or Australia, and I continue to learn from them.

College soccer team on field

How Being a University Athlete Prepares You for Life After Graduation

Being a student-athlete offers opportunities to excel in both your athletic and academic careers during your time in America. More importantly, it prepares you for life after graduation. Whether you pursue a career as a professional athlete, continue your studies, or enter the professional workforce, the skills and experiences you gain as a student-athlete will be beneficial. From becoming a better athlete and being well-educated to expanding your network, managing time effectively, handling challenging group situations, and pushing yourself to your limits, being a university student-athlete will distinguish you from others after graduation.

If you are considering furthering your athletic and academic career at the university level, I can say from my own experience that it helped me become the best version of myself. Do not hesitate to make this decision!

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Tim Bernhardsson

About the author

Tim Bernhardsson

Tim Bernhardsson, Recruitment Associate at Keystone Sports Nordics, earned his bachelor’s degree in business management whilst playing for the men’s football team at Florida Atlantic University. Tim aims to inspire and inform young Scandinavian athletes about the excellent opportunity of going to university in the US to become a student-athlete and the advantages it offers after your time in the US.

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